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Avoid blockages caused by incorrect pressure settings

IBS (Industrial Blower Services) has more than 30 years of experience offering manufacturing products, equipment and services to companies within the Industrial, Utility, Manufacturing, Road Tanker, Municipal and Commercial sectors of industry. IBS is the UK’s largest supplier of popular new and used industrial blower and other industrial equipment. Since inception, IBS has significantly grown and established themselves as the UK’s largest repair and service centre for roots type blowers which have resulted in the establishment of three repair and service centres which are situated conveniently around the UK. IBS has capacity for the repairs of Industrial Vacuums, Vacuum Pumps, Biogas Compressor, Portable Vacuum, Pneumatic and Vacuum Conveying and Fabrication systems.

The IBS Blowers Team

Notwithstanding the large range of top-shelf OEM products, including blowers and pressure valves,  which IBS can provide, repair and refurbish, IBS provides excellent customer service which makes them the confident partner for your business. The knowledge and expertise of the engineers within the company benefits your business purely by association.

In many instances it is crucial that the development and design of Blower Pressure Relief valves, such as Kunkle Pressure Relief Valves, is controlled with the correct materials and that are compatible with various types of process fluids, which can range from water to air and may even include corrosive agents. When Pressure relief valves and safety relief valves are required to protect tanks, cylinders and water heaters from high pressures and temperatures, installation, quality, and safety cannot be compromised. After installation, problems such as blockages, damage of internal components and incorrect pressure settings could be disastrous and time-consuming to address. Ensuring that pressure valves are installed and functioning correctly from the start can save your business significantly in the long term.

Whether you are considering using a pressure-release valve as merely as a precaution, or if it is for specifically deigned conditions, pressure-reducing valves are critical in providing a stable pressure in parts of a system that usually operates with lower pressure that a normal system pressure. Relief valves, for example, PentAir Relief Valves, can easily be set to generate a steady stream of pressure as art of its design limits. Simply put, once the valve is set, a steady and reduced pressure stream will be delivered and maintained despite any change in the supply pressure or system load.

There are various designs and types of pressure-regulating valves. Cast iron non-code vacuum relief such that which you will experience with the Kunkle 337 model is best suited for the protection of high volume vacuum pumps, conveying systems and also for light gauge tanks. Model 337 is adequately suited for the protection of medium to low pressure in high volume blowers, compressors, conveying systems and bulk hauling trailers and equipment.

IBS engineers can supply your business with all of the technical data required to ensure that you are utilising the correct products to work in synergy with your requirements for ultimate production levels and on-going productivity with little or no downtime caused by blockages, damage of internal components and incorrect pressure settings.

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IBS your Industrial Vacuum specialists

Industrial Vacuum Services

Wastes collection by portable vacuum power

At IBS Ltd we can offer you a comprehensive solutions for vacuuming wet and dry spillage and dust through the use of our extensive industrial vacuum loaders.  We offer a simple and effective portable air conveying system for cleaning,recycling, collecting waste and spilt product.

Click here for more information on Mobile Lorry Vacuum Loader Unit

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